Registration of TCHS 2024-2025

Registration of TCHS 2024-2025

  1. 註冊網站:
  2. 報名費:5/31/2024 前報名並付費者,每位學生團費= $40/年,制服費另計。可郵寄支票到會所 (支票請註明高中團) ,或以 PayPal/Credit Cards 付款。
  3. 制服費:Polo Shirt $14;Sweater $63;Belt $8;Shoe Cover $3
  4. 手續費:報名/付費晚於 5/31/2024 者,酌收每月遞增 $5 之手續費。例:6/1/2024 報名/付費,請交 $40+5= $45;  8/1/2024 報名,請交 $40+5*3=$55. 以此類推。
  5. 學期開始前 ( 9/11/2024 0:01AM 之前 )申請退團,酌收手續費如下:
    1. 團費扣減 $10
    2. 制服每個項目扣減 $3 (無論是否退團)
    3. 例:8/1/2024 報名,購買短袖上衣 $14+V領毛衣 $44,繳交 $40+5*3+14+44= $113。因時間衝突,9/1/2024申請退出,將退還 $113-10-3*2= $97。但若 9/11/2024申請退出,則不退費。
  6. 學期開始後 ( 9/8/2024 0:01AM 之後),恕不再受理退費事宜。
  7. 扣減之手續費將併入高中團團費支出帳戶,年度結餘轉入慈濟慈善基金。如果有任何疑問或特殊需求,請隨時聯絡高中團, 語音信箱 408-471-6898


  1. Registration website:
  2. Registration Fee:$40  per student per year, if sign up and pay by 5/31/2024, plus uniform fees.
  3. Uniform Fee:the prices in 2024 are as follows:  Polo Shirt $14;Sweater $63;Belt $8;Shoe Cover $3
  4. A $5 PER MONTH late fee will be imposed besides the registration fee if sign up or pay after 5/31/2024. For example, if a student sign up and pay on 6/1/2024, the total fee will be $40+5=$45.
  5. A handling fee will be deducted from the registration fee if a student requests to withdraw before 9/11/2024 0:01AM, which includes two parts:
    1. $10 per student
    2. $3 per uniform item
    3. Example: John signs up on 8/1/2024 and purchased a polo shirt( $14) and a sweater( $44). He pays $40+5*3+14+44= $113 that day, but then decides to drop later on 9/1/2024. He'll received a refund of $113-10-3*2= $97. There will be no refund if he drops on 9/8/2024.
  6. The registration fee and late fee are not refundable after 9/11/2024 0:01AM. Please contact TCHS or voicemail 408-471-6898 whenever special attention is needed.